Once again, some team of super-geniuses has come up with a grand plan for smart guns, while having no idea of how guns work and why.
The latest, it seems, it that guns shall have embedded electronics that enable firing only if they receive a correctly-coded authorization signal via WiFi.
The code would have to match the uses for which the gun is authorized: personal defense, hunting, Secret Service only, and so on.
This is meant to prevent mass shootings or some such.
How many ways can this go wrong? I mean, apart from dead batteries, and the possibility that someone who's actually seen the innards of a gun will figure out how to bypass the whole electronic mess?
Well, let's take hunting, for example. How's the WiFi coverage for the entire state of Montana?
Or personal defense. Applies at home, right? So your home has to have the WiFi beacon to authorize your gun to fire there.
So what's to keep someone from sniffing the authorization packets for his home-defense gun, and broadcasting a counterfeit edition from his cellphone's WiFi? Or just carrying his home beacon with him?
Or consider a special secure only-government-guns-work-here zone. What's to keep someone from jamming the beacon, so none of the authorized guns work anymore, strapping on a brace of 1875-vintage revolvers and a couple of bandoleers of .45LC, and going on a shooting spree?
The whole thing makes so much negative sense... well, this is what happens when Smart People inhabit a total bubble and believe that everything they need to know is contained within that bubble.
I'm reminded of my days at a small business-software company, and the copy-protection schemes we came up with. Many of them would have worked most excellently, if only we'd been able to install special hardware on all the unauthorized computers.
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