Got this project that's been using a Raspberry Pi Model B... and for the next stage it looks like we want to go to the B+, for reduced power consumption, more USB ports, and that kind of stuff.
I want specs for the critter, so I know what I'm dealing with.
The Raspy Pi Foundation's website is... unhelpful. Takes some poking around to find the product page (there not being a "Products" tab), and actual specs for it are nowhere to be found.
I found some documentation via Lady Ada and SparkFun. Not much, but at least somewhat helpful.
But... no hardware spec document. No schematic. There's a fragmentary schematic showing approximately what's connected to the various connectors, but it's missing some important details, like the identity of the new switching regulator chip they designed in. (I'm interested in the maximum input voltage it'll accept, and also whether the +5V rail goes anywhere other than the regulator and the expansion header. Exceeding 5V would, at minimum, require removing the TVS diode. Oh: I guess it must go to the USB subsystem, no? So it's gotta be right around 5V.)
And, getting back to the website: it appears to have been designed by the marketing department, for children. Or by children, for a marketing department. One or the other. Lotsa happy-shiny, and little readily-found substance.
Oh, well. I pretty much extracted what I needed.
Pro-tip: If you're designing a little multi-purpose computer module, and it has USB, and it has an expansion header... bring out a USB port on the doggone expansion header! I'll probably be designing a piggyback board for this, and it'll need to transfer data, and the most convenient way to handle the data transfer (especially without messing with the system configuration) is via USB... but that means running a cable to the dang connector cluster.
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