It seems 9/11 trutherism is alive and well, and newly respectable or something.
Tales are cropping up, again, of how even a bloody huge fire couldn't have brought down a modern skyscraper, what with its huge safety margins, so the towers must have been intentionally weakened in the months leading up to the attacks.
And the work of weakening the structures, placing demolition charges, and so on, effectively concealed from the thousands of people who worked there every freaking day.
Try this on for size. Look at the remains of the #1-#4 reactor buildings at Fukushima Daiichi, e.g., here. Note that two of these things are not like the others. And, were you to dig around, you'd find that the #1 building (and, apparently, #2) was built according to the standard design. #3 and #4 were built very differently, and without the ability to vent overpressure from a hydrogen explosion.
So, big safety issue with the basic construction of the later buildings. And no one squawked at the time. At a freaking nuclear power plant. Presumably concrete castings all the way up was cheaper and easier than having the special panels-over-framework structure for the top story, but it's not the way it's supposed to be built, and there's a reason for that.
Back to the World Trade Center. Which is more plausible: that the buildings were intentionally weakened in great secrecy from all the people working there in 2001... or that they were built weak in the first place?
Suppose you're a skyscraper builder. Which is more profitable: to build exactly according to spec, with the very finest materials and an absurd safety margin, or to build more cheaply, with a good-enough safety margin, and bribe every building inspector in the city?
Think carefully.
And, were it true that the Twin Towers were of substandard construction... ya think the whole thing would be hushed up? Because it would involve epic corruption, and maybe a lot of other skyscrapers weren't built to spec?
No, I don't have any insight as to the plausibility of the Standard Model (i.e., the impacts and fires weakened the built-as-designed structures until they collapsed as seen) vs. the notion that there had to be something else involved.
But, if you're going to insist that the buildings must have been tampered with, I think this is a more plausible explanation.
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