That week went by in a hurry.
Huckleberry is still ailing, and we still don't know for sure why. Probably needs another trip to the vet to get his sinuses flushed or something, and maybe some further attempt at diagnosis. There was a suggestion of sending him to a specialist for a biopsy, but we're holding off on that for now.
Looks like we'll be building a small outdoor aviary for the house pigeon, as Joy seems to be allergic to him, maybe. We can put him out next to the ducks.
Aaaand... that colony of cute li'l bunny rabbits under the back deck? Seems to have turned into a colony of skunks. Or maybe one skunk went down there and got into an argument with a rabbit, or a woodchuck, or some other critter-that-lurks-under-decks. Phew!
(Now, where do I find several thousand gallons of tomato juice for washing under the deck?)
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