Huckleberry is not doing well this weekend - seems whatever his trouble is, formerly slowly developing, it's getting a bunch worse.
We just heard back from the vet. Nothing exciting in the lab work; he should basically be fine, according to the tests - but the vet suspects maybe Cryptococcus. After hearing that the cats have been exposed to various birds, he really suspects Cryptococcus. Now we need to keep Huckleberry going until we can get an actual diagnosis, and, if positive, start treatment (which apparently is a whole bunch of Not Fun). And... we'll need to get the other surviving cats tested.
Gah. Tomorrow gets really busy: Joy has an urgent dental appointment; we have a plumbing crew coming to replace both water heaters (the less obviously corroded one having sprung a leak last week); and now there's the Huckleberry problem. And there's some work I ought to be doing.
Additional: Now we're wondering whether Cryptococcus might be triggering Joy's migraines and my sinus crud.