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Monday, 05 August 2024


Happy first Tuesday in August 2024 to you sir!

WWIII? Doesn't look look it from here this morning but the problems that the UK is having seem to have spread to Ireland, the thing I saw on "X" had the Protestants and Catholics marching together against the invaders (not sure what the best word is for this situation...).
Seeing one thing on a subject doesn't make it so...

How goes the pond out back?

Ah, the pond... still low. What with life being chronically busy, we still haven't arranged to have a well drilled - and I don't really want to rely on the well to fill the pond; we're hoping for a decent wet season to do that, and then a well should suffice to keep the level up during the dry season.
It'd be really nice to have a full pond, so we could move the ducks off the lawn and set them up in a proper long-term habitat. (Need to build at least part of the fence while the water is low; I figure to run an anti-coyote fence a little ways into the water, and building that when the water is there could get challenging.)

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