One of the Karavan ones, with the fold-down side rails.
Got it home and up the driveway, and we still have a mailbox! Yay!
I really should scare up a few traffic cones and set up a practice area in the far back yard. I tried a little bit of backing up, and... well, I'm glad I didn't do that in public. Practice is needed.
The plugged holes in the side rails turn out to be a bit over ½" in diameter, so I've ordered some single-hole cargo tie-downs with ½" holes, and now need to find some ½"-20x6" bolts (and matching nuts & washers).
Forecast tomorrow calls for thunderstorms all day, so I guess a lumber run is Saturday, with the trailer, to get materials for the new, bigger duck house. (I also need to order a case of corrugated plastic roofing for both the new duck house and the coming-this-summer newer-better chicken coop.)
Ducklings are in the walk-in shower now, growing rapidly and making a mess.