Boy, are my arms tired!
No, I didn't just fly in from somewhere. I turned over the compost heap.
Which, when there's a lot of as-yet-uncomposted long stringy stuff near the top, and one doesn't have a brush grapple... well, there's a lot of manual labor involved in getting the uncooperative stuff moved.
Then the loader can be used to scoop the more-composted stuff from the bottom of the old pile over the top of the crunchy stuff that's now on the bottom.
I also did a bit more driveway fixery. I think it'll take a few more iterations, and maybe a bunch of fine crunchy rock, to get the parking area and the final slope leading up to it really properly packed and in place.
Also, I need to shovel a bunch of stray gravel from the lawn back to the driveway, but my arms are tired.
Our one female duck has commenced laying eggs. Maybe I should get an incubator and see if I can hatch some of them. We should also (once it gets to be properly Spring) get a few more ready-sprouted ducks to add add some genetic diversity to the flock.
Various seeds are now in little containers of potting soil in the sprouting cabinet in the basement. This would have been about the right time for starting them last year, with the very late Spring. I think this year planting season is going to happen early, so the home-sprouted plants will be late to the party.