No exciting new developments, and not much exciting planned.
Well... there's a lot of stuff we have planned, but the likelihood of much of it actually happening is not great. Between looking after my father and the difficulty of finding usable contractors in the building trades, things do happen slowly if at all.
I need to line up a neighbor to help move the old oven so's Joy and I can make alterations to the opening in the cabinet and get it all ready for delivery of a new oven. Calling neighbors is maybe a tomorrow-afternoon thing; today, I have a bit of a headache and very low energy. Ordering the new oven (from a different store, that uses a different delivery service) happens after we've at least started the cabinet alterations.
Turns out that chickens get more seasonal their second winter than their first - between needing extra nutrition to get over their fall molt and needing enough light to feel like the days are long enough for egg-laying, they tend to slack off. I have an interim day-stretcher set up, and have been giving them some nutritional mush (lentils, rolled oats, and calcium carbonate powder) plus kitchen scraps in addition to their upmarket pellets, scratch grains, and dried insect larvae. They've gone from averaging a bit over one egg per day (for the entire flock) to a bit over two, which is more consistent with household egg consumption, and the shells have gotten a bit less fragile.
Still no sign of snow. We've had some freezy mornings (some with lows in the lower 20s), and a little bit of rain, but no snow at all. Some serious rain would be a Good Thing, as we really do want the pond to fill back up.
And... before any long strings of rainy days come along, I should build a couple of poultry feeding stations - boxes about 18" cube-ish, with one side that hinges up to become an awning. Stick a feeder inside, and it's protected from the rain; close up the awning side, and the food is protected against rodents at night - no need to carry the feeder back & forth at dawn and dusk. The plan is in my head, more or less; the materials are on hand; I just need to find time & motivation to build the things.
On the work front, there's still a little to be done on the current big ToasterCo project (which seems to have gotten seriously behind schedule, but I'm not the one holding up the parade), and I think there are other little sub-projects lurking in the background.
One of these days, I need to clear off the table against the side wall of the garage, install the two levels of wire shelving I bought a few months ago, and organize a bunch of the odds & ends into plastic storage bins that can go on those shelves. I also need to re-organize a lot of the stuff that's currently in plastic storage bins on existing shelves, and label the bins so I'll be able to find things. (This, of course, requires a cleared-off table.)
One of these days, I need to procure some proper workbenches - at least one with an upper shelf on which to put test & measurement equipment. But there's a bunch of tidying and table-clearing to be done first.
Ah, well. Back to whatever I was doing this afternoon.
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