Household stuff: busy. Mostly the usual, but on top of everything Joy was sick for a few days - crud brought on, we think, by having the house buttoned up for heating season and the heat cranked up. I also need to do some weatherstripping, and move a last bit of dirt around before the lawns get too soft.
Work stuff: sporadically busy. ToasterCo is having an end-of-year scramble, and sometimes I end up on the critical path. Spent a focused hour this morning implementing a feature that turns out to be needed, if only as a formality. Still got a few days worth of work to do on my own piece of the project (which I broke off into a separate source file over the weekend, so I can work on it in parallel with changes being made at ToasterCo).
Chickens: egg production dropped off when they started molting, and has remained low. It didn't get this low last winter. Anecdotes suggest that the current formulation of "16% protein layer pellets" is perhaps lacking something, even the fancy expensive brands. I've started giving them some high-protein, high-calcium cornbread-with-random-veggies, and maybe production is up a little. Could be that some lawn time would be good, and/or I can start sprouting chicken salads again.
Ducks: are strange. Their wild cousins migrate vast distances twice a year, and yet these critters have trouble finding their way from their sleeping quarters, through the chicken run, out the gate, and back into their own day run.