Yesterday afternoon, out teasing the ducks: there comes a commotion from the trees, as of a lot of alarmed birds. The ducks run frantically to their sheltered corner. Hm?
Look up: sure enough, there's a bald eagle circling overhead. Well, over the neighboring cow pasture.
This afternoon: one little errand. Down the driveway, almost turn right, remember that I want to turn left for this errand. Get onto the mini-highway and head for the big crossroads. Approaching the school, see stopped traffic and lots of twinklies ahead of the line of vehicles.
Wait a while. Realize that (a) this isn't a time for kids to be arriving nor departing, and (b) traffic isn't resuming, as it would were the twinklies cops directing traffic during school arrival/departure times. So, get turned around (as others are doing), and backtrack.
Isn't there a reasonable alternate route? Hm... yes, but it's beyond the stoppage and thus inaccessible.
So, back past home and take the route I would have been on had I turned right in the first place, which is mildly inconvenient for this destination. Notice on the way a plume of smoke, as if someone is having rather a large brush burn... which I hope isn't in the Westward Expansion. Proceed to the destination and complete the errand. Map app on phone shows the traffic stoppage still not cleared, so back home by an alternative route.
Plume of smoke is bigger. Like, either a truly huge brush pile or quite a small forest fire. Definitely not in the Westward Expansion, but could be near the Northern Territories.
Never did find any news relating to the road closure, though Internet rumor says it was some combination of a police chase, a car crash involving a school bus, and a fire. Possibly multiple crashes. Maybe there'll be something about it tomorrow.
The plume of smoke, though: that turns out to be from a controlled burn at the birding park across the river.
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