Still busy, with one thing and another. Except today.
The days are a blur, but yesterday I rearranged another several tons of dirt, adding compost to some of it, back-dragging to create a fairly level surface, and generally preparing a long-barren area for seeding with lawn-type seeds. There's still some dirt-rearrangery to be done before planting, and some of it must needs wait until things have been re-moistened a bit.
The maple-smoked Canadian weather having shifted, we got a little bit of actual rain this morning; not enough to tenderize the soil, but enough for plants to perk up. There's supposed to be a significant thunderstorm coming through tonight, with more thunderstorms lined up all week. I'm hoping there'll be opportunities for getting some of that outdoors stuff done.
Also yesterday, I gave the fallow first expansion field a good tilling, something it'll need repeatedly this Summer. It had become apparent that just keeping it mowed short was not going to suffice for weed control. Tilling after a dry spell was good in terms of the displaced weeds promptly wilting, but not so good in terms of my getting horribly dusty. There's still dust up my schnoz.
Today... slightly rainy morning, and a warm, humid, lazy-type afternoon. I ended up taking a couple of naps. Tomorrow I must get around to cleaning the chicken coop and doing some weeding, as well as resuming work on actual work.