Oh, right: yard stuff plus heat-induced laziness.
More weed control - always more weed control.
Mowing, ditto.
Moving more dirt around. Running into rocks that need breaking up. Pondering splurging on a rotary hammer. Also pondering getting out in the early-morning cool and just using a pick. (Looks at weather station: 66°F and 82% humidity @ 0448. Not today.)
New office chair arrived yesterday. Guess I'll put it together today.
Also yesterday, I made a start on a frame for holding bird netting over the strawberry planter. I'll need something similar-but-different for the blueberry bushes. The garage being air-conditioned now, I should be able to finish and deploy the strawberry guard today. The blueberry guard requires a resupply of pressure-treated 1x2s, which is an errand planned for this afternoon.
And, I refilled the Diesel cans, so the tractor now has enough fodder for the next couple of months or so. (It does look like the first expansion field will require repeated tilling, which implies that the second expansion field will also need many applications of the tiller. Diesel is much cheaper than glyphosate.)
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