Should have been productive, but... well, Joy has a bad migraine, so I have to look after her and my father and the critters.
So, kinda hard to focus, and I can't spend a block of time out in the yard, nor the barn, nor even the garage.
There's supposed to be a home-improvement project commencing tomorrow and possibly slopping over into Monday. I thought the materials for it were supposed to be dropped off today, but that hasn't happened so far.
During one of my little bits of necessary outdoors time, I discovered that the sillcock nearest the chicken coop - that'd be the one that feeds the hose that I ordinarily use for rinsing and refilling their waterer - has developed an exciting new problem: if I connect the hose and open the valve, water starts poring out from behind the siding. So... a leak somewhere between the actual working bis of the valve, hidden back inside the wall, and the visible part.
I can just leave it turned off for the moment. I think this calls for getting a plumber out here: someone who (a) knows about sillcocks and (b) has a van full of repair parts. That can happen next week, on a non-urgent basis. While he's here, we can have him install the new kitchen faucet, which is something I keep not getting around to (requires the right block of time and my not having a backache).
It's very warm here, and windy. Definitely not Winter anymore.