I was thinking of cooking up a pumpkin and making a pie, plus whatever one does with more'n a pieworth of additional cooked pumpkin. Pumpkin bread, that sort of thing.
Well, most of the ones remaining in the basement looked dodgy. I took the best-looking example upstairs, cut it open, and found mold.
So, time to take the rest of them, and the remaining acorn squashes, to the compost heap. (Tomorrow. When it's not raining.) And now we're on canned pumpkin.
Sometime before next September, I should learn how to store winter squashes properly, and make preparations for doing so.
(Home canning might also be an option for dealing with part of next year's harvest.)
My first though was a root cellar.
Then I looked https://www.theselfsufficienthomeacre.com/2018/09/how-to-harvest-and-store-pumpkins-and-winter-squash.html
Posted by: Rob | Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at 10:31
Aha! Yes, that looks helpful indeed.
Posted by: Eric Wilner | Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at 11:13