Today's forecast evolves.
Yesterday evening: moderate amount of rain very likely, beginning around 1100.
Early this morning: 99% chance of rain, about an inch, with considerably more than an inch between 1300 and 1400.
Noonish: slight chance of rain (as we were getting some sprinkles).
Now: rain? What's that?
Yeah, looks like a great big storm, but it missed us by several miles.
Oh, well. Growing season is pretty much coming to an end anyway, so I don't need a bunch of ongoing rain.
Meanwhile, on the yard-equipment front: I really should acquire a tow-type spreader for fertilizer and seed. Or, happy thought: the push-type spreader I have would function just as well being pulled rather than pushed, right? So, basically a matter of replacing the push bar with a tow bar, and doing something about the gate control?
Looks like a conversion kit isn't a thing, and as a DIY project it'd be a bunch of work that I don't really have time for at this point. So, guess I'll be buying a tow-behind spreader (probably 2 sizes larger than the spreader I have, though that's kinda overkill for my anticipated fertilizer usage). Operating the gate may be a headache: the ones I see pictures of seem to be designed for towing behind tractor-style mowers or maybe small ATVs, rather than rear-engine mowers or actual tractors. I suppose I'll come up with something. Long-term solution might involve a largish RC servo to work the gate, which would give predictable control over how far it opened.
(No, I'm not spending the bucks for real, full-scale farm machinery. If I end up expanding to multiple acres under cultivation, I'll presumably want the right tools for the job - but then it would be a job. Anyway, real farm machinery nowadays is sized for hundreds of acres, not single-digit acres.)
Hay having been harvested, it's coming up on time to kill & till the proposed expansion zones - actually, kill, then apply fertilizer, then till. Then till again, and maybe again, then apply clover and/or alfalfa seed before we get too close to winter. Oh, and go over it with a roller to hide the seeds from the birds.
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