Little thunderstorm last night, contrary to the no-rain-any-time-soon forecast.
Comes vaguely-morning-ish, I look at the clock on my nightstand. It's not lit up. Nor does my phone show its lightning-bolt icon.
Nightstand came unplugged? No. And things plugged in elsewhere in the bedroom are also off.
The dehumidifier is running, and the outside lights are on.
Breaker tripped?
Stuff in my office does show signs of a power glitch. Out to the garage, and look at the breaker panel. The breaker marked "Master bedroom" seems to be in the ON position, but an unmarked breaker with the arc-fault feature looks tripped. Reset it. Clock lights up.
Somewhat later: clock is dark again. Also - I hadn't checked this earlier - power to the light/fan fixture in the bedroom is out. The unmarked breaker has tripped again.
Breaker gone flaky, or a wiring problem? Maybe we need to get an electrician out here to investigate. I suppose once Joy is properly awake I can try unplugging everything and resetting the breaker again.
Update: Everything unplugged, light and fan off, breaker reset: power stays on. Plug in my nightstand, the outlet strip under Joy's secondary desk, and the nightlight: power stays on. Turn on the overhead light (which was off during the time the breaker was tripping, but whatever): light comes on and stays on.
So! Either it was some weird early-morning glitch, or Joy's nightstand or something plugged into it is causing the problem. We'll sort that out later, and calling the electrician can wait a couple of weeks (next week is climate control for the garage; after that, we can address a couple of minor electrical matters, and later on there'll be some major electrical / cabling projects).
Update 2: Everything has been plugged back in since mid-morning, it's now evening, and the breaker hasn't tripped again. Mysterious, innit?