Well, we did have a nice view of the fireworks, having made the arduous trek to out front porch. Looked like at least a dozen families were putting on displays in the general "front of the house" direction, where we could see at least part of them; around half of those were fairly well in view, while the rest were largely obscured by trees, hills, and the like.
Things got going around 2115, as it was getting properly dark, and didn't wind down until more'n an hour later. Then, I think, other families started setting off their fireworks, and, well, the boomage continued well past midnight.
There were also distressed sounds, for a while in the wee hours, from the cattle next door. They'd ignored all the early fireworks, so I don't know what had them bothered later on. Maybe one of them tripped over a skunk. (Oh, yes: either someone upset a skunk during the evening, or one of the firework megapacks included a SuperSkunkBomb™.)
No, we didn't have our own fireworks; I'd been inclined to go check out the locally-available products (this stuff is legal here!), but what with the current Pestilence stats for Knox and Sevier Counties, we're still hunkering in place as much as practical. Joy says next year for sure. (I wonder what the supply will look like next year; doesn't all this stuff come from China*?)
Anyway, I didn't exactly get a proper night's sleep. Brain not functioning this morning. There's plenty of stuff that needs doing around here, but I don't think I want to operate the lawnmower, let alone the big miter saw, and doing paperwork is Right Out. Maybe I'll assemble that shelving unit in the garage.
... Oh, and speaking of shelving. When I was looking for that one, I rejected many of the types on offer as lacking the required depth, as I needed something 18~24" deep, not 12~14". Now I realize that I need something bigger but shallower for one corner of the barn, but when I look, everything in that category comes up 18~24". Foo. Well... I think a wire shelving unit of the sort I have in my office closet might suffice (OK, so maybe two of them side by side); those tend to run 14" deep, and are moderately available, just not necessarily in the configuration I want.
Sure is quiet out there this morning. Only activity visible from my office window is a neighbor catching some rays. Oh, and the occasional passing car, and cattle grazing. Dominant sounds are of birds, with a faint suggestion of some sort of power equipment off in the far distance.
* Update: I remarked on Chinese fireworks in a comment elsewhere, and another commenter came along and explained that, with current restrictions on importation of such things, there's been a Great Onshoring, so our fireworks supply is now domestic. Yay!
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