Landscaping is nearly wrapped up; I guess they'll finish this afternoon.
Contemplating the updated condition, I realized that the next significant rain will likely wash away the mulch in the splash zones under the downspouts. What to do? Sticking diffusers (think: tank-style muzzle brakes, minus the hole in the middle for the shell to pass through) on the ends of the downspouts seems a good move. Off to the shops to look for them. Observation #1: there's no such thing. Observation #2: if there were such a thing, it wouldn't be made in a size to fit the ancient downspouts.
There were plastic splash thingies for putting under downspouts, but they didn't look promising. Some sort of shallow ceramic bowls, with drain holes so's not to provide mosquito-larva habitat, might be the thing. So maybe back to the stores for some terra-cotta plant-pot saucers and a masonry drill? Thursday, maybe; tomorrow is (I hope) DesignCon day.
The plan is coming together. Looks like, what with one thing and another (weather being a factor here), the open house will be the second and third weekends of February, not the first and second. Such is life. Shoulda sold it last summer, really, but things always end up taking longer than you'd think, especially when a thirty-year accumulation of Stuff is involved.