Story making the rounds: voting machines in Texas are switching votes from Bobby-Frank McLopez to Alpho Cruz! People have seen it happening!
Yeah. Riiiight.
What kind of idiot programmers do you think the Devil (GOP, Russia, whatever) employs?
Back in 2004, people claimed to have seen their votes (or to have heard of people seeing their votes) being moved from Kerry to Bush. Animated on the screen, like. Which would take a whole bunch of extra work to implement.
There have been more plausible claims that miscalibrated touchscreens might be picking up touches at some offset from the location intended. Which the alert user will compensate for by trying again, touching at a slightly different location, until the right box ends up checked.
But, if it were intentional? The voter would never see the change.
The thing about touchscreen voting systems is, what's on the screen isn't what gets recorded. They're supposed to match, but don't inherently match. An intentional change of vote would leave the screen as the voter expected, while recording a different choice.
This is a good reason for mark-sense paper ballots. The mark the voter sees is the mark that's recorded. If there's a suspicion that the ballots were counted incorrectly by automated equipment, a manual recount can be done, with live people examining the actual marks on paper. Can't do that with bits from glorified* fast-food kiosks.
* Actually, the voting machines are likely less sophisticated and secure than fast-food kiosks, because credit-card fraud is taken more seriously than election fraud, and also fast-food customers tend to notice if they don't get what they voted for. Incentives matter.
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