Got the computer stuff hauled to the new Secure Undisclosed Location. Then, with almost everything hooked up, I had to run back to the old location, because I'd omitted to bring the keyboard (the expensive one!) and mouse.
OK, then. With all connected, try getting bhrian
(the current file-dhcp-etcetera server, and future Internet gateway) to talk to the WiFi here.
Nightmare. The signal in this corner is weak; also the router's been kind of erratic of late. Make a Fry's run for a WiFi dongle with an antenna on it. Oops! Needs firmware. Find the firmware, download using my laptop, carry over on a thumb drive, and install. Now it looks right, and finds the access point, but no luck connecting.
By chance, the cable guy stops by to address another issue. I ask whether the WiFi power on the router can be turned up. He says no, but that's an ancient router, and he can run out to the truck and fetch the current model, which has all the latest bells and whistles.
The router having been replaced, the signal here is indeed stronger. But still no luck connecting. Time to do some searching (on the laptop again).
It appears to be a fairly common issue with current Debian and friends, USB WiFi dongles, udev
, and the network-management software. Something to do with the devices being assigned absurdly long names that don't fit the traditional "wlan0
" pattern.
Muck about with udev
, attempting to adapt someone's suggested rule for fixing the name. No soap; I need to review how udev
works. Meanwhile....
Meanwhile, reconfigure stuff so the WiFi dongle plugs into the workstation instead. With not-too-much fiddling, it works!
So: network configuration is currently suboptimal, but I do indeed have communication. Including use of the file server. And the ability to post new blog entries! And watch YouTube, I think, except that I didn't bring the speakers yet either.
Additional: Moving a bunch of stuff, even not very heavy stuff, in hot weather is no fun.
Also, I came down with a case of PC Thumb. It's kind of like M1 Thumb, except that it results from imparting momentum to a massive tower-type PC and then discovering that its trajectory doesn't quite clear the car door, just in the place where one's thumb is protruding.
And (this is a Sunday morning update) I brought over the speakers and their extension cable, so I now have sound, and it's set up for ease of unplugging the speakers and plugging in headphones in their place. (I haven't yet confirmed that the level on the speaker output is actually correct for my headphones. If not, I may have to procure another 1/8" stereo M-F extension cable to reach the headphone jack on the workstation.)
Further, I should note that the cable guy didn't just randomly show up; my father had called up AT&T to switch the voice line from dedicated analog to U-Verse, being as how the dedicated analog connection had been added back just for my mother's emergency-call thingie. It was, however, fortuitous that he was here when I was having trouble with the WiFi.
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