Started Tuesday morning, with a headache, vague queasiness, and a slight fever. A dose of naproxen got the fever under control, more or less, and helped a bit with the headache.
Wednesday morning: I was feeling mostly better, and went for gentle-edition morning walkies. Not the right thing to do. After about 4 miles, I had the dreadfuls again, and still had to run some errands on the way home. Reminder: exercising when almost-but-not-quite over the crud makes the crud come back.
This morning started out worse than Tuesday, except that the fever was minimal (the feeling of feverishness is still there, but not much actual fever).
Much idly sitting in front of the computer, not accomplishing much. I did get some actual work done the past couple of days, and will get a bit more done today, but there's quite a lot of stuff that needs doing Real Soon Now that involves physical exertion (household chores, and setting up the lab for some power-electronics tests), and that's not happening right now.
Guess I'll rework a few more boards, then go watch some U-Toobz or something. (Two notes to self: don't use super-tiny-footprint chips unless absolutely necessary, and if you're getting mostly-assembled boards with some SMT parts missing, and assembly is lead-free, ask to have the pads for the missing parts kept free of solder. 'Cause removing the standard tin-silver-copper lead-free solder is a royal pain, especially where delicate tiny feature sizes are involved.)