A huge gray fierce bumblekitty jumps on your nightstand!
> ignore bumblekitty
The bumblekitty hits!
The back of your neck tickles.
> ignore bumblekitty
The bumblekitty hits!
Your ear tickles.
> pat bumblekitty
The bumblekitty hits!
Your ear tickles.
> get up
> check internet
They're rioting in Africa
(You know the rest)
> write blog post
A little gray mouse-loving doggy jumps on your desk!
The doggy hits!
You can't reach your mouse.
Yeah, that's pretty much how things are starting out. Now that Huckleberry is off the mousepad, Top Hat is back and pawing at me, when she's not at the recycle bin playing paper-shredder. And here's a pygmy mountain lion (Southmoon) to squeak mournfully and give me reproachful looks unless I turn around, reach down, and give her a belly rub.