Looking at a new hardware design involving serial ports, and using some of the modem control signals in nonstandard ways, because I need a couple of extra I/O bits right where the serial port is, and the FT232 has those signals available, dunnit?
So I should be able to open the port in a mode that ignores modem control / hardware flow control, and just fiddle the signals in the application.
Someone else will (I presume) be writing the actual application software, and I don't know what language he'll be using, but node.js seems an obvious candidate. So, in the interest of software support, I look at the serialport module (which, in my little bit of initial playing with it, seems quite useful).
Hmph. Nothing in the API for setting / reading modem-control signals.
Maybe the programmer will have to contribute some feature-adding code. Or maybe he'll use another language.
Update: Looking at the actual source code, it appears that there is a way of manually setting the modem-control outputs, but it didn't find its way into the documentation, and trying to figure it out from the C-bloody-plus-plus code makes me crosseyed. What I'm not seeing at all is any way of reading the modem-control inputs, so it looks like if your application needs to know the state of, say, DCD or RI, you're scrod.