Yeah, I heard about it a while back.
Now Pinky and the Brain have had a go at it. And they mention the distance.
20 km?????
Older account in the Daily Mail sez 20 miles. Still.
12 days transmogrifying a vehicle, to avoid a 20-mile walk?
Some commenters at the Daily Mail point out the absurdity of this. Others point out that he probably didn't have enough water for a 20-mile trek through the desert. And yet he had enough for 12 days of heavy bodging. While nearly exhausting his supplies of food and water before firing up the kludge.
No, I personally have never embarked on a life-or-death 20-mile trek through the desert. A few years back, though, I did go on a fun hike of around 10 miles in the Superstition Mountains*, and didn't exactly get worn out. Could I have done twice that, if my life depended on it? Is that even a question?
So, never mind the resulting machine's stability or lack thereof; the story just doesn't make any sense at all, once the distance is mentioned.
* In early spring, so it wasn't terribly hot even by my standards. Also, if memory serves, we were mostly on solid rock, not nasty soft sand. But... if the 20 miles in question are traversable by improvised motorcycle, surely the path must offer decent footing for feet.