So she can't be blamed for anything she's said or done, apparently.
Apparently she also "was" a racist. Was. Riiiight.
This is one for the DUH! files.
If you actually know anything about anything that the SJWs get bent out of shape about, look at the claims they make that fall within your area of expertise. Do they have any connection to reality? Are these the statements of a person who is not mentally ill?
Of course not. And it's not just lefty SJWs, of course. From frat-house gang rapes to satanic daycare centers to peasants being turned into newts, there's never been a shortage of madfolk to make outrageous claims. The mad tales that serve the interests of the current rulers are taken seriously (at least for public consumption).
And so we hang the old woman who gave young Nellie the evil eye, and the Church inherits her cottage and lands. And, in these more civilized days, tech companies buy indulgences for not having the approved ethnic and gender balance, and then treat themselves with a course of leeches.