'Cause yesterday's election was a freakin' red tide.
(Not here in California, but the California Republican Party was basically useless twenty-some years ago when I first looked at it, and since then has deteriorated to the point it's not even a credible scapegoat.)
Look for escalating insanity from the blue tribe, especially with regard to actions to be taken by the lame-duck Senate. Last chance for Blue nominees to the Supreme Court; how much pressure can be brought on aging Justices to retire immediately? Will the lunatic fringe shout "Wolverines!" and call for the assassination of a few Justices, so their replacements can be rushed through before the red dawn of the new Senate?
Not that the change of party in the Senate is gonna make that much difference, really, what with the Imperial Presidency, the quasi-independent Fed, and the Deep State running amok. Remember: no matter who you vote for, the Government gets elected.
Though maybe the Ear Leader will get discouraged - hey, it's the first job he's held for more than two years, right? - and call in sick to spend the rest of his term golfing, or perhaps resign so that he can run for Queen of the Space Unicorns, or something.
Which would leave us with President Plugs, but at least everyone realizes he's an imbecile. Right?
Afterthought: If the blue team had any sense, they'd have lost intentionally, leaving the red team in charge when things fall apart completely. I think, however, that Hanlon's Razor applies here.