Surely you don't need buckets of ice to cool ALS, right?
Regular Schottky, yes... or AS, or FAST... but ALS? Advanced Low-power Schottky?
Let's take a look. I wanted to use a '181 for comparison, 'cause I know those used to get toasty, but it seems they were never made in ALS.
So, consider the humble '86 quad XOR.
74S86: 50mA typical, 75mA maximum, at 5.5V. Yipe!
74ALS86: 3.9mA typical, 5.9mA maximum, at 5.5V. Runs cooler by better'n an order of magnitude. No ice bucket required.
Wait, what? It's some other meaning of ALS? And it's one of those Do Something campaigns whereby people attempt to cure a disease by doing something entirely unrelated to it, to encourage other people to donate money to some organization with a well-paid board of directors? And you think my interpretation is wacky?
Next thing you know, the Navy will be having a barbershop-quartet-a-thon in support of its Advanced Littoral Schooner.