Now Patterico's linked to one of these things, noting how pointless it is.
Had I rather more idle time and inspiration, I might throw together a privilege-check quiz aimed at those most likely to invoke the catchphrase.
A few sample questions:
- Have you ever had a job from which you could be fired?
- Have you ever had a job providing a product or service which the customers could choose to buy, or not, without compulsion?
- Have you ever had a job at which your performance could be objectively evaluated?
- If you lost your temper, would your behavior be automatically excused on the basis of your sex or ethnicity?
Anyway, you get the idea. There are plenty of people out there in real positions of privilege, often acting on behalf of, and shielded by, the State. Those who throw around casual accusations of privilege are often members of this group, or aspire to membership.
The idea that yer basic working stiff is privileged brings to mind an old Jewish joke....