So the all-wise lightworker has this new idea, name of myRa:
In details provided by the White House on Wednesday, the retirement savings proposal would be similar to a Roth Individual Retirement Account, but with holdings backed by the U.S. government like savings bonds.
Uh, guys? I'm already required to put 15% or so of my earnings into government bonds... at negative real interest these days. It's called Social Security, and the Self-Employment Tax.
If I had any left over for investing, I'd be putting it in real investments.
On further reflection: this is even stupider than it sounds at first. It's a Roth IRA variant. So: you buy government bonds with after-tax money, and, if you wait until retirement, pay no tax on the interest, right?
But isn't the interest on U.S. Government bonds already tax-free, without any restrictions on when you can collect it?
Or, as Lando would say...