With all the talk of how much better Single Payer would be than Obamacaid (because it'd all be run by the Feral Gummint, and therefore inherently much more efficient than a haphazard quasi-private health-care payment sytem)...
Y'know, we have an example of Single Payer in the U.S.
We have Single Payer Military Procurement.
Which, with its wondrous efficiency, has recently brought us LCS, F-35A/B/C, NLOS-C, ... er. Not such great examples?
And various targeted contracts, whereby, e.g., the Army contracts with a preferred bidder (i.e., the one whose owner checks the most boxes on the "oppressed minority" form), which has no ability to deliver on the contract, and just passes it through to some non-minority-owned company, all facilitated by a group of rich white Beltway Bandits.
And the infamous $600 hammer ($10 for the hammer, and $590 for the paperwork to prove that the Government isn't getting ripped off).
(No, the Air Force's expensive Mr. Coffee doesn't exactly belong here. That wasn't a Mr. Coffee. 'Twas a restaurant-grade coffeemaker, plus a requirement to operate on a moving aircraft without splling hot coffee all over everywhere. Mostly bona fide operational requirements, and not at all comparable to a household appliance.)