Apparently, for the up-and-coming dot-com tycoon, shared workspaces in Asia are the New Thing.
It's rather far from Sand Hill Road... but for those with no prospect of wheedling $107 in seed money out of the Monied Powers, it's at least a setting where you don't need $107 in seed money just to get started.
And, if your work requirements consist of a place to set your laptop and an Internet connection, that's all fine.
Wouldn't work for me, though. I need a few hundred square feet of lab space where I can leave things set up. Plus a couple of tons of equipment. (OK, so if I farmed the metalwork out, I could get by with a quarter ton of equipment. Or so.)
So, my idea of a workspace is more along the lines of a fair-sized barn, with electricity, air conditioning, and a concrete floor. And an Internet connection.
And, given that a fair amount of what I work on is more or less secret (sometimes my secrets, usually other people's, occasionally gummint stuff), the shared-workspace thing is kind of a non-starter.
But, hey! I could perhaps change to a different line of work... and have a workplace that's a few acres of land with plants and chickens growing on it. Might not be very lucrative, but there'd always be food.