The sciatica continues.
I'm relegating the narcotic painkillers to bedtime use, as they don't seem to have much effect on the pain per se (and if they did, it would maybe enable me to damage myself further without noticing).
The last couple of days, I've been needed at a client site, but unable to venture beyond my front door.
It's also got my metabolism cranked way up, basically burning all available calories; food input produces a spike in heat output. Body temperature regulation is working fine, but I'm drenched in sweat as I maintain my usual 98.4°F. Oh, well... I'm not blimping out due to lack of exercise this time.
I sure hope this clears up by Tuesday, so's I can go to the client site where I'm needed, and heroically solve the mysterious problem (which I suspect involves a ground loop, though there appear to be other issues too).
Meanwhile, certain errands have become Urgent, and I'll be needing to stagger forth today, all dosed up on ibuprofen and cyclobenzaprine, to deal with Absolutely Necessary Stuff.
Also: I've been occupying my waking-but-nonfunctional time re-reading the works of Larry Niven, with the result that when I doze off for a moment I typically have a dreamlet that would kinda-sorta make sense in a Known Space context, only it doesn't really make sense even that way. Kinda puts me in mind of one time in college when I was sick and wasted a block of time by (1) re-reading Childhood's End and (2) listening to Der Ring des Nibelungen straight through; by the end of this, I was in a very peculiar mental state indeed.