...after he stepped in the puddle of Dehominant B.
While the actual bursitis seems to have subsided, I now have more or less nonstop muscle spasms in the left thigh. Back in '10, when the doctor told me to rest and gobble ibuprofen, I also talked him into prescribing a muscle relaxant... which I've since used up, so there's none on hand now.
Having neither atropine nor 2-pyridine aldoxime methiodide available (besides which, I don't think I've been exposed to any topical cholinesterase inhibitors, so neither of those would really be appropriate), I guess it's time to go see the doctor... presumably Monday.
Getting from the parking lot to the check-in desk to the second check-in desk to the examining room to the pharmacy promises to be a new adventure in pain.
Meanwhile, I have it on good authority* that beer is a muscle relaxant. Not that I keep beer around (rotten grain and herbs, yuck).
Update: Just got off the phone with Kaiser; I should be able to get my hands on some cyclobenzaprine by lunchtime, hurray!
Update 2: Got the cyclobenzaprine (100 tablets! I should have plenty left for next time!) about noon; took one immediately. Felt much better until late afternoon, when spasms returned. Took another at early bedtime; slept for a while, then woke up just after midnight with, again, leg spasms. Directions say "3 times a day", but the effect only lasts about 4 hours. Supposed to be seeing my regular doctor this morning....
* Ford Prefect, of course.