Supposed to be working at actual work today, getting a test station put together and delivered.
As of waking-up time this morning, I can barely walk from one end of the house to the other, not exactly a great distance.
I hate bursitis.
Update: What's more, I keep having to retrieve the little brown bag of parts I bought yesterday afternoon for finishing the test station. The kittens think it's a toy.
Update 2: I more or less made it through the day, though with one thing and another we didn't get the test station ready to deliver yet. By 1400 the leg pain had developed into leg muscle spasms, which then (as three years ago) developed into lower-back muscle spasms. Made for a less-than-productive afternoon. And there was already an urgent project I should be getting done over the weekend, and a new (albeit small) chunk of urgent (and paying!) work came over the transom while I was tied up....