In among all the other things I'm juggling... I'd made a rudimentary mold for encapsulating the logic-interface version of the Geiger module, and yesterday I got around to goobering it up with mold release, inserting the assembled module, and pouring in some polyester resin.
Today, I extracted it from the mold... with great effort. A straight cylindrical mold cavity turns out to be Not Such A Good Idea - who'd'a thunk it?
And, post-extraction, It Doesn't Work. I'm guessing something, e.g. the transformer, got dislodged in the struggle.
I should maybe have done a function check before trying to pry it loose....
Oh, well: I've got a couple more boards, and components, and another shipment of the tubes came in. Next time, one of several options: turn a Geiger-module-shaped mandrel and form a flexible mold around it; make another hard mold, but in halves; or spring for that beastie-blaster chambering reamer.
But probably not until next month. Remainder of this month is pretty well spoken for, what with one thing and another.