...but somehow it got to be Sunday already.
Making preparations for visiting my parents this afternoon; my father's been doing all the cooking these past many months, and getting tired of it, so I'll be taking dinner: got a chicken in the smoker, bread dough in the works, and corn soaking in slightly salty water in preparation for grilling in the husk.
Inbemongst of that, I'm declaring a Day of Weekend to deal with stuff like installing a new showerhead and assembling the Bixler (now waiting for the glue to set on the GPS module (inside the nose, above the battery) and the aft antenna (just forward of the tail servos), and the Pitot tube is in place (poking through the nose, above the battery, next to the GPS)). Initial testing will be with the store-boughten radio, which doesn't use any of those amenities, but they'd be hard to add once the fuselage is glued together. Oh, and I still need to add a pair of little teeny eyes (hardware type), up top, 71mm aft of the leading edge of the wing, for balancing, and mayhap a third somewhere out toward the tail, for hanging from the ceiling.
And, last time I headed out back to tend the smoker, I found Southmoon playing with the Bridgeport. At least she didn't have it turned on (and she'd also need to turn on the phase converter, which is probably a step too many for a youngster who doesn't even have opposable thumbs).