My brain's Rant Center has been so frothy of late that nothing coherent actually comes out, but something just did, in response to overhearing, a few days ago, someone going on, vehemently and at length, about the Citizens United ruling, or at least the version of it that had been presented to him by one of the left-wing lobbying corporations.
Yes, you see, all the noise about that ruling - "How horrible! How can corporations possibly have legal rights? They'll be able to spend their infinite money* to influence elections!" -is being spread by politically active organizations that are themselves corporations.
So... what's the difference between the nasty, evil, plutocratic corporations that pollute the political system with their vile propaganda and the good, public-spirited corporations that elevate public discourse by raising awareness of vital issues?
I finally figured it out.
The bad ones are for-profit corporations that pay taxes.
The good ones are nonprofit corporations that are tax-exempt.
Hence the new rallying cry:
No representation with taxation!
* Every corporation has infinite money. When it files its corporate charter, it automatically receives a special dish to put on the roof of its corporate headquarters so the Ben-Bernank's Money Satellite can beam unlimited funds directly into its bank account.