Even before Zaphod H. Beeblebrox took office, I figured him for a half-term President. After all, he's never held a job for more than two years, so it figures that he wouldn't stay in this one.
The past year, my expectation was that he'd be assassinated a month or so ahead of the election, once his masters decided he'd be more valuable as a martyr than as a live distraction. (It would, of course, have been set up in such as way as to facilitate a crackdown on domestic "enemies of the State.")
Earlier, though, I'd figured he'd leave office under his own power at about the halfway mark - not actually resign, but wander off on a permanent surfing vacation or goodwill tour of the world, or launch his next campaign for higher office (Queen of the Space Unicorns, or whatever), leaving us with the Biden Regency.
I'd pretty much given up on that idea after he went off on a more or less permanent permanent vacation immediately after taking office.
Now, though, it seems he's... abandoned his office... and appointed Bill Clinton as his successor?
Clinton can't officially hold the office, of course; he's had his two terms, and, while an additional half-term is allowed, it has to come first. Besides, the current term has more than two years left on it.
Er. Wait. I just dug out the 22nd Amendment. Sez Clinton can't be elected again. Doesn't say he can't be the President again, just that he can't be elected to the office. So, if he somehow became Speaker of the House, and the President and Vice-President both departed... or if Biden officially left first, and Clinton were appointed (not elected) VP... gotta watch out for them loopholes.
Anyway: Iowahawk had the scoop over two years ago, and he did publish it.
Allahpundit has the after-the-fact report.