I've had the same mouse for many years.
It's a Logitech cordless, old-school (49 MHz or some such). Eats AA batteries kinda fast, but it's been getting the job done.
Lately, the right button has developed a severe bounce, causing unintended double-right-clicks.
So, off to Fry's in search of a replacement. My needs are simple: a decent-quality cordless mouse that I can plug into the PS/2 port on my KVM switch.
All the cordless mice are USB-only. OK....
Back home, check Newegg. No dice.
Well, then: surely there are USB-to-PS/2 keyboard/mouse converters, no? I mean, I've seen such things, haven't I?
Well... sort of. As in: they'll convert PS/2 inputs to USB, so you can use your old keyboard and mouse with your new PC that only has USB ports.
Nothing, it seems, to adapt a USB mouse to a PS/2-only host.
Meanwhile, I picked up a cheap corded mouse; those are still available in dual-interface models with the green plug adapters. And, owing to the odd configuration of my desk, the cord keeps rearranging my clutter.
Maybe a cable staple or two will help. And I suppose I can take the cover off the old Logitech and see if the switch is fixable or replaceable.