Awww... it's a 3.5". I've got a buncha those around here, including some new-old-stock. Once in a while, I'll even use one: my 4-channel oscilloscope speaks floppy, and my workstation, yes, even the workstation with the dual-core processor and the 6 gig of RAM, has a drive to match.
I also have some 5.25" floppies... and some 8" floppies. I have a couple of drives for the former, though not installed in working machines at the moment. For the latter, yes, I have at least one drive in storage that should work, and an ancient homebrew 68000 box that works with such a drive. Or did, anyway, last time I had it powered up. (If memory serves, the text editor on that old thing wants to talk to a D200-compatible terminal (I was working in a mostly-DG shop at the time, and programmed my DIY CRT for D200 compatibility so I could use DG's screen-oriented editor).)
ZIP disks, of the 100 meg persuasion? Yup. Got some of those, with old projects backed up on them. A few years ago I copied it all to CDs, but I still have at least 2 of the drives around, and I think they're in working order.
Back still further: somewhere, I have pet projects from the late 1980s backed up on 800 BPI, 9-track magtape. No, I don't have a drive for that -- mainly due to lack of space.
And, going back to my high-school days, I still have stuff on paper tape, punched on the venerable ASR-33. One of my boxes of clutter contains an optical reader for the stuff, which I kludged together way back when: a read head (dumpster-diving loot) with an incandescent light and nine photocells mounted atop an aluminum project box containing a batch of comparators (which, if memory serves, get awfully hot in operation). Apply power, pull tape through by hand, and bits appear on the data lines, clocked by the sprocket signal.
In the novelty department, I also have a 14" floppy. Well... back in college, we got the word that the next quarter's class would be on the VAX, rather than the array of Teraks. We all had our own 8" floppies for use with the Teraks, so I figured we'd need a 14" floppy to use with the VAX. Off home, extract an old 14" 5 Mbyte platter from its white plastic housing, fake up a floppy-style housing out of black cardboard, carry it to class next day and ask people if they'd gotten their VAX floppies yet.
I do not, however, have a Phi-Deck. By the time a bunch of them turned up at a local surplus store at a price I could afford, I was no longer particularly interested.
Tape cartridges! Yes, there are various tape cartridges around here, including some QIC-20s with backups on them. (The 68000 box has such a drive.) And a stack of 8mm data cartridges, which I guess must have been freebies, since I have no recollection of ever having had a corresponding drive. And, in a box somewhere, a few 100 meg cartridges and a matching drive (found at a swap meet), which I never got around to hooking up because, as it turns out, it has a nonstandard command set on its SCSI interface, so it wouldn't have played nice with Linux.
Next up, Real Soon Now: Blu-Ray, 'cause my DVD backups of critical data for off-site storage are getting a bit full.