There's all this foofaraw over a certain moose-menacing governor, and the way, while visiting a turkey farm, she calmly chattered to the TV camera while OMG!!!! Turkeys were being killed in the background!!!!
Well, gee. I guess it's all very well that the urban chattering classes can eat nothing but synthetics and cultured tissue, but for those of us who like real food, there's always a certain amount of untidiness going on, albeit, in the normal course of events, tastefully off-camera.
This is another one of those things like that civics test a couple of days ago... I can't understand how anyone (well, any American) could score below 80% on that test, and I just can't relate to complete, head-in-the-sand ignorance of all things agricultural.
Now, I'm not a farm boy; I grew up in the suburbs, and have never ventured far from them. Still, I have a pretty good idea of where food comes from, and had no problem, a couple of months ago, going on a (work-related) tour of a slaughterhouse, seeing how smelly old cows get turned into yummy fresh beef, and then proceeding to a restaurant down the street for a business lunch involving, yes, beef.
Now seeing a bit of seasonal turkey-slaughtering on the teevee is shocking?
(And how many of those people who are shocked at a glimpse of real-life agriculture have no problem with Hollywood violence? How many, indeed, profit from it?)
Update: How could I not mention this?
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