Happy Sleep-An-Extra-Hour Day!
The extra sleep does seem to have helped with whatever my problem is; at least I'm not feeling dizzy so far this morning (though I'm not trying chocolate, nor energy drinks, again any time soon).
The extra hour brought weird dreams....
First there was one of the ones where I'm back at college, only it's not any college I ever attended. Usually these are scary: I'm suddenly at college, it's halfway through the semester, and I haven't been attending classes, or I'd signed up for two humanities classes and then completely forgotten about them, or something like that. This time, I was surrounded by lovely, quietly dignified young women, and had somehow carried back to that time (freshman year, I think) the secret of being totally at ease with them. Not that I've learned that secret yet.
Then, suddenly, it was present time, give or take a few years, and I was at a small meeting (a half-dozen or so people) that was just wrapping up. Seemed to be a planning meeting for some informal social group. The only people I specifically recognized were Donald Rumsfeld (who was wearing one of his usual suits and roller skates), and a very senior Air Force NCO (in civilian attire and rollerblades, pushing an old, possibly military-issue, double-wide stroller containing twins) whom I knew slightly from some other context, possibly the rocket business.
All of which makes no sense, but if I go to the science-fiction club meeting tomorrow, and Rumsfeld shows up on roller skates, I'm gonna freak.