A friend is planning a pirate party later this month.
Some props might be in order.
I've been meaning to play with this CAD software, and learn to do useful 3D mechanical drawings.
The convergence:
A mountain howitzer tube on a naval carriage? Doesn't look quite right, does it? (And not just because my CAD skills aren't up to speed.)
It's the derringer of maritime artillery.
And, thus, a natural for pirates!
(If you're willing to overlook the question of where a bunch of early 18th century pirates would have gotten their hands on a model 1835 mountain howitzer tube, of course. Hey, if I can wear a Knights of Columbus hat and a Soviet saber as parts of my costume, I can get away with an anachronistic cannon, OK?)
Now, IMCFT, to build the puppy at 1/4 scale. No, I'm not planning to take powder & ball to the party!