Good evening. Tonight on It's the Mind we examine the phenomenon of déjà vu. That strange feeling we sometime...mes get... that...
Fetch morning Murky from driveway. Skim through front section. Feed birds. Set table. Pour cereal into bowl. Add milk. Refold morning funnies for breakfast reading, starting with the second page. Commence...
The first one looks familiar. So does the second. And the third. Look up at the top of the page; it claims to be the Friday paper. Check the first page of comics; those are fresh. Eh?
On closer examination, the second-page comics are individually dated 4/5, which explains why they look so much like the ones that ran on Wednesday. Not that the artists conspired to duplicate their 4/5 strips for 4/7 (and only the ones on that page). Just some sort of SNAFUBAR at the paper.
They can't even get the comics page right, and we're supposed to trust them with the news?
An inauspicious beginning to the day....