This would seem to be the perfect day to review a DVD of Parsifal, except for two small details:
- I don't have a DVD of Parsifal;
- Even if I did, I wouldn't have time to sit down and watch it.
Yes, it's a busy weekend, and mostly personal stuff which won't get blogged, in accordance with my "no blogging personal stuff" rule.
I will, however, note that it's time to mail off my tax return, following an adventure at the bank...
<flashback time="Wednesday morning" dissolve="wavy">
So I walked into my old bank financial center carrying the most recent statement for my IRA, with the account number on it, and a checkbook, wishing to add money to the IRA ahead of the deadline for last-year contributions.
The IRA had been sitting idle for a long time, as from sometime in the early 1990s to mid-2004 I'd had a 401(k) available, so putting money in the IRA didn't particularly make sense. For 2005, it made sense again.
The teller looked at the account number, poked at her computer, asked around, and told me I'd have to talk to the financial advisor, who doesn't work Wednesdays.
<advance time="Thursday morning" />
I walked in again, waited in line for the financial advisor, and handed her the same papers, expecting a simple "poke numbers into the computer and it's done" transaction.
My old IRA is handled by the Boston office, and the physical check and paperwork would have to get there by Monday, by way of some intermediate office. Erk!
So, after much futzing around, the solution turned out to be this:
I opened a new IRA with the local office, put my 2005 money in that, and signed the forms to have the old IRA transferred to the local office and merged into the new one.
Ain't banking fun?
And now, it's time to confront my busy weekend.