Well, the tax stuff is more or less done, modulo the personal review and a trip the the bank financial center tomorrow to make that IRA contribution before I file.
One of my business ventures, and one of my investments, producted considerably more paperwork than money... and I'm not convinced that Haddock Hatchet is really doing the right things. Probably should have taken this mess to a professional a couple of months ago... but for the amount of money I actually made last year (it was one of those skinny cows) it didn't seem worth it, and besides the paperwork for one of the business ventures didn't get done until the end of March, owing to another party's illness.
What with the lumpy distribution of my income, I ended up (a) having to pay underpayment penalties, while (b) getting overpayment refunds. If I'd kept better records of when, exactly, the money had come in, I guess I could have avoided this, but this year I'll attempt to be prescient and guess how much total income I'll have for the year when figuring quarterly estimated tax payments.
Ah, well... by the end of tomorrow I should have it all out of my hair, for the moment, and then I can get back to fattening up this year's cow.