For the last couple of days, I've been debugging software with an oscilloscope - in improving the firmware for the motor controller board, I somehow introduced a horrible new bug (somewhere among all the interrupt-driven activities), and, lacking any better way to debug it (the ATmega8 having no JTAG port), I've been tweaking I/O pins at various points in the code.
Naturally, my good oscilloscope chose Saturday morning to flake out on me. Looks like the power supply has gone bad; when I push the "on" button, the lights start blinking.
So, instead of productively working on firmware debugging this morning (before running back off to Consonance for the afternoon and evening), I guess I'll be discombobulating the scope to see if the power supply looks like something I might be able to replace easily, or maybe even repair. I suspect I'll have to order a replacement from Tektronix, oh joy.
Meanwhile, I still have the little 2-channel scope, and an old logic analyzer....
Update: Groan...
The power supply isn't some handy little off-the-shelf module that can be easily substituted... and I'm not even so sure about pulling it out for bench testing.
Guess I need to find a repair $hop.