Life is dominated by non-bloggable stuff. Joy is exceedingly busy. I'm second-hand busy, as well as being busy with my own stuff (much non-bloggable) that I need to catch up on.
Things I can mention?
Huckleberry is mostly doing OK. Other critters (other cats, four remaining chickens, thirteen ducks, many frogs, and one house-pigeon) are doing well.
I got the new feed shed sufficiently done to use through the winter. Come spring, we'll take the tarp off the roof and apply more of a permanent (and less flappy) roof covering - the plan is to laminate on a layer of vinyl-coated aluminum sheet, since we have lots of it. This calls for boring weather and a supply of low-grab construction adhesive.
I've made another start on getting the lab area in the garage organized, with a focus on clearing off one long table so I can put shelving above it for storing parts bins and such, and then using the table itself for SMT assembly stuff - solder-stencil machine, mini reflow oven, and eventually a junior pick & place machine. This is taking a while (apart from anything else, the entire garage is severely cluttered).
Just before the current storm arrived, I threw together a little shelter for two duck feeders, so they can have a couple of days' supply of food available when we're having rain for two days straight.
Yes, we're having rain yesterday and today, and a bunch more over the weekend, and maybe a few inches of snow a week from now (actual weather is mighty unpredictable). The pond hasn't filled much so far, but we should be getting plenty of runoff soon.
My Medigap card came in yesterday's mail, and I think the Part D card is on the way. Now I need to figure out how to get myself off the old plan while keeping Joy on it - guess that involves a call to BCBS, in among all the other calls I need to be making, assuming I have an occasional block of undisturbed time to make phone calls.
I'm hoping the chaos will be under control by April. Maybe that will happen. Maybe.
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